Friday, February 19, 2016

19 February 2016

Hello Again,

Another exciting and busy week has passed by and I feel like we have been making good progress on our project. Although we did not accomplish as much this week as we did last week, we learned many new things about our tools and about the coding and designing process in general.

Our website,, is now live and contains a small, two-level experimental game. The demo has very basic controls: press [x] to jump, and use the arrow keys to move left and right. These two levels feature very basic components of a platformer game; the player’s goal is to jump on the platforms, collect coins to increase their score (currently the score does nothing), dodge enemy attacks, and reach the white spike at the end of the level in order to advance.The game currently looks nothing like how the finished product will look, but we are forever grateful to the lovely MelonJS engine for providing assets for us to use and experiment with; however, as we implement more of our original art and assets that we obtain on the web, the game will evolve into Frobot, our own unique creation.

Right now, we have yet to figure out the compatibility between blogger and our game in order to embed the game on our blog. For now, we will be periodically updating our website every time we make large changes to the game. We will try to publish a new version once or twice every week, so that you all can visualize our journey at each step of the way.

We have also been gleaning some knowledge from our mentor, Mr. Vange, on how to troubleshoot and fix problems in our code. We now know the power of developer tools and how to use it to pinpoint the problems throughout our code. Next week, we plan on actually implementing my art assets into the game and getting our custom designed levels to function.

See you next week,


P.S. Here are some more assets that I have been working on:
Frobot Climb
Frobot Jump


  1. I'm so glad you created the website, it looks really cool - literally seeing your creation come to life! Keep up the great work!

    I wish you luck on working out the compatibility issue.

    I also really like your new assets. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Nice post! The game is addicting!! (Admittedly, I have had limited exposure to video games throughout my life, so the game actually feels quite advanced!) Is the ideas that players will be given a certain number of lives while progressing from level to level?

    In terms of assets, is Melon JS free software? Does it provide the video game platform or specific "assets"?

    You must feel very accomplished after this past week! I may have to recruit you as a founding member of "Naviance Club" as we look to further develop the website! ;)

    1. Thank you! The idea is that the player's health will be displayed as a bar and as the player takes damage, the bar will decrease. MelonJS is free software and it provides very minimal assets to show examples of how useful the engine is. Thanks, we both feel like we've made a lot of progress these past few weeks!

  3. Fun game! You guys are making some major progress already. I like the you are adding art elements to your blog, too. Keep up the good work! Have you learned much about your mentor's work environment and what it is like to be a software engineer full time yet?

    1. Thanks, Mr. Bloom! So far, the work environment here is relaxed and very friendly; I wouldn't mind working in a place like this in the future.

  4. Neat stuff bud, are you going to try to get this steam greenlit eventually?

  5. Really like the demo so far and I'm amazed that you guys are able to create something this intricate within 1-2 weeks. Looking forward to you including more of your own art next week!
